How To Backup Blogger Template and All Blog Posts?

Backup your blogger template.

  1. First off go to your blogger dashboard.
  2. Then, go to template option, and click on restore/Backup button.

  3. Now, one box, will appears, like this.

  4. Click on save template. And you have done. The template is in XML format. So you can apply this template in any of blogger blogs.

Backup your all blog post.

  1. First off go to your blogger dashboard.
  2. Then, go to setting « other, and navigate Import/export option.

  3. Click on export, button, and save your all blog post.

This file is also in XML format. So you can import this file to any of blogger blogs, to post the same content on another blog. Don’t do this, unless you have a solid reason for that. This file is helped you to migrate your all post to another platform like WordPress. Or any other platform that support redirection option. But for all this, you should have a custom domain for your blogger blog.